Thursday, January 8, 2009

Annnnd we're back!!

After a long and wonderful Christmas break, we are back at school. It would be just peachy if I could splatter an extensive assortment of pictures from our holiday on the blog, but I either didn't take any photos or they are on my mother's camera. Argot, no pictures on the blog (what kind of blogger am I??). Anyway, we had an awesome time, sledding, skiing, and Christmasing in Park City, and a short, but great time in St. George for Brady and Sarah's wedding (yay for the Hiatt's!!) and fun with the family.

But now we are back at school! It is Toby's second semester in the Accounting Jr. Core, and I am in my last semester EVER at BYU (I'm really not sure how I feel about it -- I started thinking about it last night as I was reading my Utah history book and got a little misty). Thank heavens I can still sneak on to campus after I graduate as Tobe will probably be here for the next 2-3 years. I have had a wonderful four years at BYU.

We are looking forward to facing another year. It is such a great thing to be able to have a fresh start and a new chance to become better. So with vigor afresh, Tobe and I in hopes of slimming down, bulking up (obviously just Toby), completing triathalons, and becoming more Christlike, are excited to see what the year 2009 has in store.

Happy New Year to you all!!


Dad said...

It is a Happy New Year! And will prove to be one of the greatest years every! The Tobler's are frontrunners for the "who's who" of 2009 happenin' couples! All eyes are on you!!

Mom said...

Annie! I'll get you a CD of all the Christmas/New Year's Pics!!!!!