So, I think most of us have heard of the T.V. show The Amazing Race. For those who haven't, it is a reality T.V. show about a competition of who can travel to different locations the fastest. The teams have to move from place to place in sporty, edgy and interesting ways -- horse drawn carriages, bike drawn carts, motorcycles, boats, dinghys, camels, yaks, go-carts, anything you can imagine. Each team is made up of two people who already know each other. Each season always includes a divorced or separated couple, some brother/sister team, newly-weds or an engaged couple, old frat buddies, and bitter divorcees.
Why am I telling you this you might ask??
Because yesterday Kristen, my lovely roommate of the two years previous to my marriage to Mr. Matt Tobler, wrote on my facebook wall..
"We should go on the Amazing Race.. we could win."
Thinking to myself....
"Well of course we could win."
I told Tobe that I'm going to win the Amazing Race at dinner time later that night. At first he thought that it was a running race and that it might require too much training for the amount of time I have to exercise each day. However, after I explained to him that it is a race of wit, charm, traveling finesse, and street smarts, he too believed that Kristen and I could win the race.
So now I'm in training. I'm going to start heading out in morning, by myself, without our car, and try to catch rides to school.
Click here to find out more about Kristen and my next adventure.
Go for it!
Do you have mom's potato salad recipe? I need it asap.
My money is on you! You girls could bake, charm and entertain your way through any country on earth!
Annie, we can do it. Between the two of us, we have all the skill sets necessary to win--beauty, charm, smarts, physical prowess, style, trailer-towing, air-chairing, and so much more.
Amen, Biegler.
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