(Annie, 1997)
So, little Anners has not blogged for approximately 4 months. Who am I????
Geeze louise.
If anyone (like the four people who read my blog) thought that something was wrong with me, the answer is no.
If anyone (again, the four people) thought I was going through some sort of phase of boring events where I had nothing to blog about, again the answer would be absolutely not.
Tobe and I have simply had a wonderful summer in good ol' San Jorge with our wonderful friends and fam. I was so busy with so many things, I simply did not have time to blog.
But I am back.
Tobe and I just moved back to school in P-town and we are back to working towards our futures (academically speaking). I am attending UVU taking education classes pursuing my teaching certificate (woot, woot!) and Tobe is starting his first year in the accounting masters program at BYU. He is also studying for the LSAT and plans to take that in December.. (he is such a smarty pants).
If anyone thinks I am lying about having such an awesome summer, please view the following web album for evidence to the contrary here..
...and these are only half of our pictures...
I am so proud of you. Keep them coming! Hope to see you tomorrow!
Teaching certificate? What do you need to do for that? It sounds like you and Toby are doing so well! I miss you guys!
Annie Wannie! am glad your back and blogging! It was good seeing you at my mom's birthday! anyway i just wanted to say hi and that i hope that i will be seeing more of you and Matt/Toby! Oh and by the way, I love all the pictures and I love the Indian one at the beginning of your blog! - Summer
Annie! How are you my dear! As I was purusing my facebook, I came across your lovely profile, and found your blog. How exciting! Also exciting news, I work with your cousin...I think. Her name is Shelley, and she works at Dr. Mortensen's office in provo. I don't know if that will ring a bell, but she is great! I'm glad you are back to blogging :)
Ashley (cole) Tucker
That's my little Annie!
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