Over the past few months, many things have happened. I finished my classwork at UVU, Matt successfully finished his first year in the Masters of Accountancy program at BYU, and we have moved to San Francisco for the summer. (Woot!)
In October, Matt had the opportunity to interview with many different accounting firms for summer internship positions. Matt secured a position with a firm named WTAS. Last Friday, Matt and I packed up our duds and headed for SF. For the next 9 weeks we will be living in the big city working, playing and experiencing and saturating every aspect of San Francisco we can possibly handle -- for serious.
As you can imagine, two young kids from small towns in Utah do not exactly pull off city life as well as Sarah Jessica Parker. In fact, during my stay in the city thus far, natives of the city have commonly called me "my dear," "sweetie," "my girl," and "cutie" expressed with a tone of concern mingled with amusement. (Was it something I said? Am I wearing the wrong shoes? -- we don't know).
But, with that being said, I thought all of you would heartily enjoy hearing of Matt and my experiences learning the way of life in San Francisco. You may gasp, you may shudder, embarrassment may fill your heart, but hopefully whatever I may write will give you enjoyment and warm you hearts.
Thus comes the beginning of the San Francisco Chronicles: Summer 2010.
Thrilled by this news!
YAY!!! You updated your blog! Keep it up!! We hope you have a great time in San Fran!!
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