Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On the 8th day of November...

After some thought, I discovered a really easy way to keep our blog updated is to post a daily picture of what is going on with Toby and I here in good ol' Cali-forn-i-a. I decided that each month I will have a theme for the pictures. This month's theme is gratitude. I am trying to develop more of an attitude of gratitude, and it is November -- Thanksgiving, hint, hint. So here are some things I am grateful for today:

This man...
Study time...
A home...
And a mother (who had me take this picture to PROVE to her that I put my registration stickers on my license plate)...


Camie said...

YES!! I am so glad to see this. San Francisco is officially back underway. Please keep us updated! What a great idea to post everyday. Thanks, Annie!

Mom said...

Yeah! One more thing to look forward to in my day! Keep them coming.