Friday, May 24, 2013

May 2013:: Camping at Lake Chabot

We took Jane for her first campout this past weekend.  It was a total success!  We went to a campground that is located about 10 minutes outside Oakland.  Let's just say that a few campsites away some of our fellow campers were bumping some gangsta rap.  Toby and I dubbed our experience "Urban Camping."  We had a yummy dinner consisting of hot dogs and tin foil potatoes, and hit the sack super early.  Jane slept like a dream all snuggled in her pack 'n' play, while I stayed up half the night thinking partying rowdies down the street might harass the little family with the Utah license plates (I don't think very clearly or rationally in the middle of the night).  I was ready to defend my family.  Toby had no idea I was planning all sorts of kung fu moves next to him on the air mattress.  Although I was slightly delusional during the night, it was an awesome camp trip and we are so happy Jane had so much fun!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I'm so happy you've blogged! I love the stories and pics of baby Jane since I haven't met her yet. Annnnd, I really wish I could see those kungfu moves to keep the partiers away. I would have done the same thing!