Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"An attitude of gratitude"

Tomorrow is THANKSGIVING!!!!! PAR-TAY! Tobe and I are leaving in a couple of hours for San Jorge and we couldn't be happier. We are so excited to enjoy some turkey, watch some football, and see our family and friends!

Since tomorrow is the day of "thanks giving," I thought that I would write down some of the things that I am grateful for....

1. Toby. He takes care of me, laughs at me, he's my best friend and I love him tons. I don't know what I would do without him.
2. Lotion. Utah climate does a number on my skin. ( I am especially grateful for the Dead Sea Body Butter mother just gave me. My hands are so happy).
3. My mother. I am grateful for how she worries about me, and for her constant care and guidance. She is my greatest example.
4. My father. He's funny, he's sharp, he's edgy, he's the BMOC and he loves his girls so very much.
5. Tender mercies. The days when I can't get my reading done, somehow my professors always forget to write up the quiz. Someone is always watching out for me.
6. Hymns. They are such peaceful wonderful things and they fill my heart with love.
7. My Grandparents. I am grateful for the heritage that they have given me -- for their wisdom, their goodness, and for endless meals and hugs.
8. My sweeeet scar on my right ankle. Everytime I look at it I feel so tough. (Shark bite, summer of '02 ;)).
9. My crock pot. Are they not lifesavers or are they not lifesavers? (Thanks for that, Cam).
10. My other parents, my wonderful in-laws. I am so grateful that I am a part of their family and the love and support they constantly give me.
11. Sunday dinner. Randi, Annie, Tobe. It's a party every time.
12. My SISTERS! I now have so many and I love all of them so very much!
13. GRADUATION. April '09 -- there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank heavens for that day.
14. Kristen. She's my best friend and I miss seeing her everyday.
15. My apron. The most stylish thing I own. I wish I could wear it everywhere.
16. My job. My supervisors, Cindy and Shannon, make me feel special everyday.
17. The Gospel. It is the basis and the foundation of my life and I am so grateful for it.
18. My Savior. By myself I can't be perfect but through Him I can be.
19. Hugs and smiles. I am so grateful for the warmth that hugs and smiles bring.
20. All of my nieces and nephews! They all make me so happy! (Especially the fact that Amelia told my mom that she is "grateful for Annie for Thanksgiving").

I just feel so blessed and I am so grateful for my life -- for opportunities, for laughter, for blessings from on high. So this Thanksgiving I hope that I can more fully show my gratitude for all the joy in my life.


Jessie said...

I am grateful for YOU, Annie! Oh, and of course, I am grateful for Tobe. I was getting kindof nervous going down the list . . . wondering why I had seen gratitude for lotion and not for sisters. Once I saw that "Gospel" and "Savior" were after "Sisters," I realized the list wasn't in order of importance. Ha! I love you guys.

Dad said...

Annie, my dear Annie....."I ain't got words." I love you and Matt. Many wonderful things are coming your way. The two of you are a remarkable force. What a blessing you are to all of us.

Mom said...

You are an amazing person, Annie. I am always learning from you. Thank you for sharing your list of Thanksgivings. We love you. We are so grateful you are married to Matt and for the happiness, strength and future that you share. You're the best!