Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Time!


We are so stoked. Last night Tobe and I went on a mission to make our home worthy of this special time of year -- we got a tree, a tree skirt, stockings, an advent calender, candy canes, basically anything you could ever hope for or want for a decorating party. After some hard work, we turned our little apartment into a Christmas haven!

Our first Christmas decoration was our gingerbread house. Over Thanksgiving break, Tobe's Mom made all the fixings for a gingerbread house extravaganza. It was so much fun! This is what Tobe and I came up with.

One of favorite purchases was our sweet stockings. These stockings were the coolest ones in all of Target. We also had to set up one for Randi so she can have some treats when she comes over for Sunday dinner.

However, probably my favorite purchase was the advent calender - 24 days, 48 pieces of candy. Just a happy little treat for each day in the countdown to Christmas!

This is a really special addition to our Christmas decorations which we will always hold dear. When Toby's parents went to pick him up from his mission in Brazil, they went through Machu Picchu before they went home. While they were there they bought a Peruvian Nativity set for Toby when he got married. So here it is! What a special gift!
This window is just a little shout-out to Dad. There is on ongoing battle at the Kuhni household about what kind of Christmas lights should be put up each year. My mother prefers white lights, and Dad loves the big colored bulbs. Dad usually is able to put colored lights on the outside of the house, but all the girls usually dominate the inside with white lights. SO, this is our special window dedicated to Dad -- its just bustin' with big colored lights.
Another wonderful gift from Toby's parents is our first Christmas ornament. Tobe's Mom has created a Christmas wonderland in her house in St. George. She has five Christmas trees and they all have a different theme -- the family tree, the nutcraker tree, the tree of knowledge, the ladybug tree, and the Christ-centered tree. She has had all sorts of ornaments made and she made one especially for us! It is a special ornament which will always remind us of our marriage and our first Christmas together! Thank you so much, Mom!

So, we're midway through stringing popcorn on our tree... therefore the bottom half of our tree looks a little sad (hence why we're not showing you the whole tree). Tobe dubbed himself the official "Popcorn Stringer" and its just a little tiring for him. However, before Santa comes down the chimney our tree will be totally popcorned up. Despite being in need of some popcorn, we have a beautiful star on our tree! Tobe and I are also starting a tradition where we make each other Christmas blankets each year. We just finished Toby's blanket and we couldn't be happier with how it turned out.

So there ya have it! The first Tobler family Christmas is starting out on the right foot!


P.S... We tried taking a picture of us by our cute little tree to show everyone, but it didn't quite turn out right...


Jessie said...

Okay, you guys are awesome. We need to get on the Christmas decorations here at the Meyer house. Ella and Daddy decorated her room with Christmas lights (a la' Randi), and Jared also decorated our new bookshelf. You guys are rockin' it with the advent calendar and the blanket.

Mom said...

Amazing! Stupendous! Incredible! Fun! Wonderful! Happy! Full of Love!

Dad said...

The colored lights in the window are downtown.