Monday, November 3, 2008

A little tuckered out...

Last week I hit the wall. It was 9:00 and I just couldn't stay awake any longer. So, I walked into our office (where Tobe was studying his little heart out) and announced that I was going to bed. Toby took my hand, and I followed him like a little girl who had stayed up way past her bedtime into our room. He then tucked me in. Just like this....

(1. He tucked the sheets and comforter under me

2. Surrounded me with pillows to cuddle with and

3. Gave me his very special hat.)

I have never been so warm and comfy in my life.


Rex Tobler said...

I'm glad Matt is taking good care of you, because I know you are taking good care of him!

Rex Tobler said...

I'm especially glad to hear that Matt has learned to share! By the way, that's a GREAT hat. Sure do love you guys!!!
Mom T.

Mom said...

Happy! Happy! Happy!

Camie said...

This reminds me of the winter that we mostly didn't turn on the heat in our student apartment. We wore hats that whole time and two layers of socks. Probably saved us a good $50 bucks. Nice one--NOT!!!