As I sit here on BYU campus this very beautiful Monday morning, my mind is full of many different things.
I have the usual wifely/womanly worries such as:
a) My house is dirty. I wish that I could go home right now and take my apartment to town with some soft scrub and some windex.
b) I have split ends and CRRRRAAAZZZY wispies. What in the world is a girl to do?? It is just out of control. (Christy, Carie, Cicely?? Wanna help a sister out?)
I have the usual list of scholastic things to do:
a) 8- 10 page Utah History paper is due tomorrow. (Did Orrin Porter Rockwell really try to kill Governor Boggs??? Heck yes he did.)
b) 6-page Political Science paper due on Friday. (Should women serve on the front lines??? Betty Friedan thought this idea to be pretty snappy. Was she crazy? Totally).
c) 6-page Sports History paper due next Monday. (What really happened in the Black Sox scandal?? Was "Shoeless" Joe Jackson really as innocent as he was portrayed to be in The Field of Dreams???)
d) 25-page final draft senior seminar paper due next Monday. (What in the honk am I going to do to revise this paper???? Heaven only knows).
But my mind is mostly full of peace, gratitude and reassurance as I ponder the many blessings I have in my life.
a) I have been able to attend BYU. My heart is filled with great nostalgia at this time as I am finishing my last three weeks of my undergraduate degree. What wonderful friends I have made, what wonderful things I have learned, what I wonderful husband I have married, and what wonderful blessings I have received while I have been here at BYU. I will miss my visits to the libe, lunches at the cougareat, starting classes with a prayer, and walking to class with Tobe. However, I look forward to what lies ahead.
b) I am blessed to be a part of two wonderful families - I am both a Kuhni and a Tobler. I am so very grateful for my sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, parents and parents-in-law. I marvel at their goodness and all that they do for me. They are fun, witty, sharp, talented, humble, and comprise all I want to be.
c) I am married to the tot. COOLEST person in the world. He sings (minus hymns), he dances, he juggles, he does laundry, he teases, he loves, and he makes every day so happy. What a wonderful companion, husband, and friend.
d) I am a member of the true Church. At the close of this past weekend's General Conference, my heart received yet another witness of the truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is the Lord's Church restored in its fullness, it is the Church with authority, the Priesthood and Priesthood keys, and it is the Church that is lead by a living prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. What a feeling of reassurance I felt through each session as I marvelled at the power of each of the leaders of the Church.
During my high school years, my room was right next to the laundry room. Early in the morning I would ofter hear my mother busy and bustling either unloading, ironing or folding clothes. She would often by singing in her brightest and cheeriest voice. Her most common song was -- "Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day!" My mother and her singing would work their way into my room, turning on the light and dropping off fresh, clean clothes. It was the sign that it was time for me to get up and time for me to get a start on my "beautiful morning" and my "beautiful day."
Although during high school I would often rebel against this song in my teenage desire for sleep, today my heart is singing,
"Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day!"
I am so grateful for all the Lord has given me.
You constantly inspire me.
We were both raised in a "musical". There is nothing better than singing moms. My mom used to whistle too. I love your blogs!
Thank you for this post Annie!
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